"The Future of Us" is a book set in 1996, where internet and computers were still pretty new and sorta rare for someone to have. Dial up was used at that time, which means if someone is on the phone, you can't be on the computer. One of the two main characters, Emma, has gotten a brand new computer, a gift from her father. In her words, "Another guilt gift," since her parents are divorced and her father got remarried as well as moved to Florida (away from her) with his new family and life. Emma has an old childhood friend she's been straying away from, Josh. Josh pretty much introduced her too AOL by giving her a disk for it. Emma sees an ad after she makes her chatting account for a website called, "Facebook". She sees her name, along with a picture that looks like an aged version of herself. You'll see the development between Josh and Emma as the book goes on, as well as how FaceBook made them feel and act.
Emma is a kind hearted girl who dislikes her mother's choices. Even though she has a few friends, she thinks in the beginning of the book or how Josh and her used to always run in between others houses and how close they were. She seems to dwell on memories in the beginning of the story considering she thinks about calling Josh when she notices the profile of herself on Facebook. The book so far is really interesting to me, the relationship between Josh and Emma is set up really well. I like it so far, it's a nice book.
I'm so glad you are enjoying this book! It is one of my favorites!