Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The Future Of Us Review

"The Future of Us" like in my last post, was a pretty good book. I enjoyed the book and it was almost as if there was never a dull moment in it. There was always something happening, and not a bad thing. It'll keep you entertained. It really doesn't start off as slow as other books do. To me it started with a great beginning, it explains who Emma is and why she got a new computer and a little bit about just her life in general.
The POV is first person, although it'll change from Emma to Josh's POV between chapters, it is still first person. I know this because Emma and Josh say, "I, me, mine," etc.
I recommend this book for anyone who likes the near past setting as well as computers. The book is really about teen problems. Relationships, friendships, typical high school things. This book is really interesting, I hope more people read it and enjoy it as much as I did.

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