Tolerance: Willingness to accept feelings, habits, or beliefs that are different from your own.
Someone could be more tolerant of others by trying to put themselves in the person's position. Imagine being one race, religion, or anything different from a lot others, and being told mean intolerant things. Everyone would not want that to happen to them, obviously. It doesn't feel "good" in a way; it feels like a thousand little knives puncturing you with negativity.
Tolerance to me means not caring in simplest terms. Not the bad kind of not caring, but more pushing it aside. "I know you're (whatever race) and do things pretty differently than me, but that doesn't matter. I'll talk to you because I like you." A lot of races, or more people of specific races, don't allow their children, cousins, or anyone be in a relationship with someone outside of their race. People are entitled to their own opinions and beliefs, but it may be for a specific reason (a false assumption) of the race. "This race is very different than ours; they don't understand our language, our food, or anything else." Sure, they might not understand, but it's what is inside. No matter your religion, race, sexual orientation, anything...It's about you as a person; who you are inside.
You're perfect the way you are.
Wonderful thoughts, Laurie! Thank you for sharing your insight.